If you are struggling with Chef Cathy can help.
I have some brand new videos to share with you about great recipes and cooking techniques, all based on my more than 15 years of healthy lifestyle cooking experience.
Here are some of my favorite recipes, here for you to select and prepare in your own kitchen.
Read my articles on healthy eating for patients in need of help with cancer treatments, IBS, heart disease, or obesity.

One Bite at a Time: Everyday Meal Plans for Fighting Cancer, Heart Disease, IBS, Obesity And Other Ailments
by: Cathy Zeis
"I found out on June 29, 2016 that I had pancreatic cancer. I had the whipple procedure on July 1st. They sent me home from the hospital with a one page release that said regular diet. Everything I ate caused horrific pain. I remembered that the sweet lady who sits behind us in church is Chef Cathy...I texted her what was going on and she was by my side immediately. She cooked all my meals for nine weeks. I know that God put me in the pew in front of Cathy for this purpose. She knew exactly what I needed and taught me along the way to trust in God and follow her diet. My husband and I believe in Cathy and love her spirit, her enthusiasm...really don't know how to convey how much you mean to me and what I think you did to help save me."
 - Jae Garman, Jan. 12, 2017