I don’t know about the lunches that are served in the schools from where you’re located, but the ones I know up close and personal here in my area are eye opening, to say the least. Do I wish the food was like what I was served way back when, when our grandmothers and their friends led the kitchens? You bet I do! What about the amazing smells of fresh baked rolls, or watching with mouth watering anticipation as one of the ladies spooned honest-to-goodness homemade lasagna onto a plate? Don’t even get me started on the butter cookies or other famous foods that made us WANT to eat in the cafeteria every, single day of school. The food was, well…REAL FOOD!
What in the wild, wild world of food are we feeding our kids?
We ought to be ashamed of ourselves for some of the foods we try and pass off on our kids. To scramble an egg takes one to two minutes. To heat a ready made breakfast sandwich can take upwards of three minutes, depending on the brand. And, it’s wrapped in plastic! Washing and pulling fresh, red seedless grapes for a serving for your kindergartner takes about the same amount of time as it does to open a prepackaged cup of fruit floating in high fructose corn syrup. A sweetener — I might add — that is made from corn starch! What in the wild, wild world of food are we feeding our kids?  Because of our need for everything to be instant, we have fallen short when it comes to teaching our kids the importance of eating Godsource Foodsâ„¢. Just “grab something and go,” is today’s motto. I get it, but there are some areas of our past that need to be continued in today’s fast-paced lifestyle. Making sure our kids have REAL food choices placed before them should be one of those areas.
Solutions are Not Difficult
I applaud the outstanding kitchens in some of the schools I’ve visited and am impressed with the choices they offer. It IS possible because they operate everyday and the kids seem to really enjoy the food. Don’t be afraid to voice a concern if your school is falling short in the “real food” department. Remember your days as a kid and your excitement when it was time to go to lunch? Try bringing just a little of that back to the table for today’s kids. Goodness knows we turn around and blink and they are driving a car! Why not take the time to slow down just a bit and make a bigger effort to help our kids grow with the Godsource Foodsâ„¢ that were created for our enjoyment and health!