Low on the glycemic index — so diabetics, this is your go-to fruit — a known cancer bully, and found on page 28 of my awesome new book, One Bite At A Time~Everyday Meal Plans for Fighting Cancer, Heart Disease, IBS, Obesity and Other Ailments, (available everyday at www.chefcathyzeis.com and at Amazon), this super-duper berry is one you must keep in your food rotation. Strawberries win the prize when it comes to the must have vitamin C as well. This little gem boast more of that disease-killing vitamin per serving than any other fruit or vegetable. Not even the orange beats the strawberry in this category. And with 600 varieties to choose from, who knew… strawberries can satisfy even the pickiest of eaters.
This beautiful fruit is also an antioxidant powerhouse! Aiding in the maintenance of eye health with its carotenoids and flavonoids, strawberries are a winner with any eye doctor! This Godsource sweet treat also helps in preventing brain cell damage, a known cause in Alzheimer’s, because of the awesome amount of antioxidants it stores. And according to livestrong.com, strawberries also carry ellagic acid, a deactivator of cancer cells. The benefits of reducing cancer are a huge reason to keep these on hand.
Want to lower your cholesterol? You guessed it, eat strawberries! Strawberries are a high fiber food so it helps in digestion and keeps blood pressure at golden levels, helping your ‘ol ticker work at its best. Keeping inflammation down and raising the power of the immune system is a must when fighting disease. Strawberries take the prize in this category too! Loaded with vitamin A, B complex, C and E, this amazing fruit checks all the boxes when it comes to staying healthy. According to beatcancer.org “in a study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, quercetin and whole strawberry extract inhibited the proliferation of human liver cancer cells, produced a dramatic increase in cell death (up to 80%) after only 18 hours of treatment and retarded the proliferation of these cells prior to death.” Wow! That is a huge deal!
Eating the very foods that were created to keep us healthy and fueled also help fight disease. Godsource Foods™ rock! In another study, “among Chinese participants at high risk of developing esophageal cancer, eating strawberries helped prevent early lesions from developing into tumors, according to Tong Chen, MD, PhD, a cancer researcher at Ohio State Comprehensive Cancer Center. After six months, 29 of the 36 participants (80%) experienced a decreased level of precancerous lesions, most of which either regressed from moderate to mild or disappeared completely; half of those on the high dose strawberries were disease free.” Now that is amazing! Just eating some strawberries can help rid yourself of certain cancers. God knew exactly what He was doing when He created these for sure!
I have long stood behind the all natural notion of foods before it was popular. Today, I love when I am able to share these amazing discoveries with my readers and show them just truly how simple it is to stay a step above disease by making the correct food choices. And yes, it is a choice! So as you walk the isles this week in your grocery store, make the right turn to the strawberries and know without a doubt, THIS choice could be a life saver!
Until next time~Enjoy!